
Senior College (10-12)

69ÂÜÀò’s supportive environment encourages our girls to be resilient, independent. We want each of our girls to achieve her personal best. Her academic studies are important, as is her engagement with co-curricular activities and an awareness of ways in which she can contribute service to the School and the wider world.


A bridge to adulthood

We encourage our Senior College students to embrace independence and the new responsibilities they will face as young women of fine character. Seeing challenges as opportunities for growth, using their voice for positive outcomes and fostering personal wellbeing are some of the hallmarks of our girls.

Striving for excellence

Each girl is encouraged to strive for excellence by taking responsibility for her own learning. Our teachers have high but realistic expectations of their students, and girls and staff work collaboratively so that each girl attains her personal best. The Senior College encourages a spirit of enquiry and critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. Using feedback as a tool for ongoing improvement is emphasised.


We believe every girl has the ability to be a role model and to inspire others. Girls are encouraged to recognise the many opportunities that exist in the School to exercise this kind of leadership. More formal leadership opportunities exist through co-curricular clubs, sport and music, the Peer Support and Peer Mentoring programs and through House leadership and Prefect roles.

Wellbeing matters

If our girls are well, the can learn and perform to the best of their ability. In Senior College, each girl belongs to a small House tutor group of 10-12 students; this fosters a strong sense of belonging and allows each girl to be known. Learning support, EAL/D support, disability provisions and counselling are available to students. Through the tutor group system and the year group, girls engage in activities covering health and wellbeing, social and service pursuits, leadership.

Positive social impact

Through service-focused student led clubs such as Amnesty, Fairtrade and World Vision, we encourage our students to be compassionate, empathetic and outwardlooking global citizens. Service is a key aspect of Senior College with students engaging with those experiencing homelessness, those living with disabilities, refugees and indigenous Australians in remote communities. 69ÂÜÀò’s partnership with Bunda Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania and Anglicare provides rich opportunities for mutual learning and service.

Careers advice

At 69ÂÜÀò, Careers Education is considered vital in preparing our girls for a fulfilling life after school. From work experience to gap years, university selection and tertiary course, our Careers Advisor is there to guide and help.

Senior College curriculum

Every Senior College student studies the following core subjects, complemented by three elective subjects (see proceeding list below).

Year 10
Core Curriculum
Christian Studies English Mathematics
Science Mandatory History Australian Geography (Civics and Citizenship)
Commerce Chinese Drama
Elective Geography Elective History French
German Industrial Technology Information and Software Technology
Latin Learning Support Music
Photographic and Digital Media Physical Activity and Sports Studies Textile Technology
Visual Arts

Year 11

Year 11 students select a minimum of 12 units of study from the following (including at least 2 units of English and 2 units of Mathematics):

Year 11
Agriculture Ancient History Biology
Business Studies Chemistry Chinese Continuers
Design and Technology Drama Earth and Environmental Science
Economics English Advanced (compulsory) English Extension
French Continuers Geography German Continuers
Latin Continuers Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Extension
Mathematics Standard Modern History Music 1
Music 2 PDHPE Physics
Software Design and Development Studies of Religion Visual Arts

Year 12

Year 12 students may elect to undertake further specialised study in the following:

Year 12
Chinese Extension English Extension 2 French Extension
German Extension History Extension Latin Extension
Mathematics Extension 2 Music Extension